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West Hampstead, North London: 020 8969 0247 Maidenhead, Berkshire: 01628 624544 [email protected]

This website is for information only

The name Body Back-Up and the Body Back-Up logo are the trademark of Body Back-Up Ltd which is registered in England and Wales with Companies House. The information used within this website is protected by copyright laws.

Body Back-Up has used all reasonable care and skill in compiling the content of this website but makes no warranty as to the accuracy of any information found on the website and cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Body Back-Up or its directors shall not be liable to any person for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of any of the information contained in any of the materials on this website. The information contained in any such materials is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice nor is it intended to be for medical diagnosis or treatment.

Body Back-Up Confidentiality Your Health Care & GDPR compliance Statement

From time to time we may contact you , unless you say otherwise, with useful Health and Well-being information or changes at BODYBACKUP Health consultancy that we feel you would find it useful to know about.

These could be about a change in our opening hours, location of premises, Professional staffing or clinical services.

We also share up to date health information that we feel might be useful for you going forwards or tips to keep your body healthy and working well. You can always say no to this information.

We are following the ICO guidelines on LEGITIMATE INTERESTS.

We will only send information that we have checked as we have deemed relevant to your health needs.

  • Your health is at the heart of everything we do and has been since 1988 when we started in practice.
  • We care about keeping our patients data safe.
  • We are committed to looking after our patients of all ages who often consult us over their lifetime and at intervals when they need us.
  • We work in partnership with patients, to achieve the best we can together.
  • Keeping you up to date with health & well-being

Patient confidentiality is important across all health care sectors.

That consideration also extends to keeping your personal information safe at all times.

Three things to remember:

1. We will never pass on your data, and we only keep the information for use concerning appointments to contact our patients to remind them of appointments by email or text at your request.

We only email or post out new practice information occasionally to keep you up-to-date with our services.
We will only share your data with third parties outside of the organisation where there is a legitimate reason to do so, for example providing data to Health Insurance providers. We will take steps to anonymise the data we provide (i.e. collective reporting on gender, ethnicity, age, etc.).

If identifiable data is to be shared we will seek your consent.

2. We only keep the data we need to allow us to help follow changes in your health. We destroy our paper notes after 7 years automatically.

This is done onsite and normal practice for medical or legal records.

3. You have control over your data and your preferences. You can contact us at any time to request a change to those preferences. You can use our online Communication consent form in line with GDPR regulations 2018. You may have told us you no longer wish to be contacted in a past communication by post or email, so apologise if this duplicates that past request. GDPR allows us to update our records fully to make this effort as complete as possible we are also contacting current and past patients by text message as well email.

We are Registered with General Osteopathic Council.

We follow the General Osteopathic Council’s Codes of Practice & Practice Standards Click here for more information on the ico website & our

Inadvertent use of any material protected by copyright laws

If any pictures, graphics or material used in this website are protected by copyright laws and we have used them inadvertently, we apologise. Please email us at [email protected] and we will remove them immediately.

Body Back-Up Company Registration Details

Body Back-Up is a trading name of Body Back-Up Ltd, a company registered in Cardiff under registration number 3690671

Our registered office address is C/O N R Betts & Co, 2 Fountain Court, Victoria Square, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3TF

Body Back-Up After Treatment Information

It is possible that after your treatment you might feel some soreness or general tiredness – this is quite a normal reaction to treatment. Occasionally you may discover a superficial bruise in the area that was treated, especially if you bruise easily. Please let us know if you are at all concerned. Osteopathy, though a treatment carried out by trained professionals, can produce reactions that are individual to you, and like any medical treatment that is designed to help you, there are inherent risks associated with treatment intervention.

If you require further explanation in relation to our condition please ask your Osteopath for more details at your next appointment.

Exercise Disclaimer

It is recommended that our exercises be carried out in conjunction with Body Back-Up Treatment prescribed individually by a Body Back-Up Osteopath. If these exercises are used without professional guidance then it is at own risk.

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