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What Are Orthotic Insoles?

Many people develop painful bad habits walking or running, whether as the result of an injury, postural issues, or simply deep stiffness in the foot and calf. Orthotics are insole inserts placed in your walking shoes, trainers or work boots to help distribute weight more evenly across your foot, and give a correct postural foundation to the rest of your body.

As osteopaths, prescribing foot arch supports for fallen or high arches to support to your feet, hips and spine is something we can help you with at Body Back-Up.

We supply low-cost orthotics and also work with registered podiatrists when there are foot health issues or you need bespoke orthotics.

We ask you to bring your current footwear to your appointment. We also offer diagnostic appointments via online video consultations, ideal for orthotics assessments and offering a quick and easy way to obtain a professional diagnosis.

Do I Need Orthotics?

You may benefit from orthotic insoles if you suffer from plantar fasciitis or other foot pain such as peroneal tendonitis, or if you have aches and pains further up the skeletal chain, such as pain in the knee or hip, back pain or even neck pain.

Everybody is different. Although quality footwear can go a long way to helping in many cases, even a “good” pair of shoes might not provide the unique support needed for your individual case, particularly if you already have problems caused over a period of time. You might also need particular support if you spend a lot of time on your feet, or if you participate in a sport that requires a lot of running or other impact or demands on the feet.

Our osteopaths are able to carry out a professional assessment to determine what kind of orthotic insoles will be the most appropriate for your unique situation. We can provide you with exactly the right half- and whole-foot insoles to fit your feet and give you the support you need.

Our Orthotics Package

We offer a review your Foot and Ankle mechanics, balance and control and see how this may adversely influence your Knees, Hips and Back, creating points of strain that interfere with daily walking, running as well as other sports and activities.

We may recommend and mixture and remedial exercise combined as needed, with our low cost orthotics (£25 to £39) to suit your lifestyle. Please bring: Sports, Walking or Workplace foot-wear to your appointment

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Osteopath fitting orthopedic insoles to patient
Our osteopaths will assess exactly the right insoles for you

Plantar Fasciitis

If you’ve been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, orthotic insoles can often help to ease the pain and aid your recovery.

The plantar fascia is a long tendon that runs under your foot, connecting your heel bone to your toes. In plantar fasciitis it becomes inflamed, causing pain when walking or running. Pain typically occurs mostly in the heel, earning the condition the name “policeman’s heel”.

Plantar fasciitis is common among runners and those who walk long distances. It is more likely to occur if your shoes do not offer the correct support. Conservative treatments like ice, stretching and rest can also aid recovery.

If you think you may be suffering from plantar fasciitis, contact us for an assessment. We can treat the condition directly as well as finding the right insoles for you.

Man suffering from plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis affects the bottom of the foot

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Woman with orthotic insoles for foot pain

First we assess you body and posture as a whole, taking into account your stance, walking gait and the alignment of your spine. Please bring current shoes and orthotics with you.

Physical Tests

Next we ask you to perform a few physical tests, such as squats and lunges. This is so the osteopath can analyse your positioning and posture during movement.

Choosing Orthotics

If you already use orthotics, your osteopath will let you know whether they need updating. If you are new to orthotics, they will advise you in the right size and type of orthotic for you.


Our osteopath will also prescribe exercises for you to carry out at home, to  improve how your body works together, as a whole unit from the ground up!

London and Maidenhead Clinics

West Hampstead Clinic

020 8969 0247
Body Back-Up Healthcare
C/O Doctor Today
182 Finchley Road
West Hampstead
London NW3 6BP

Maidenhead Clinic

01628 624 544
Body Back-Up Healthcare
8a Moor Lane
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