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Our Osteopath healthcare practitioners diagnose and treat arm and shoulder pain

Arm and shoulder pain can arise due to  muscle tension and poor posture, a chronic condition such as frozen shoulder or even an upper rib issue called thoracic outlet syndrome, or a sports or other slow build up injury. Osteopaths use a variety of techniques, including joint manipulation and soft tissue work, to improve mobility and ease pain.

We also offer first diagnostic appointments via online video consultations, offering a quick and easy way to obtain a professional diagnosis.

Shoulder Pain

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What causes arm and shoulder pain?

Pain in the shoulder and arm can be caused by general tension or poor posture, a chronic condition such as frozen shoulder, RSI or thoracic outlet syndrome, or a sports or other injury.

How we treat arm and shoulder pain

Osteopaths use a variety of techniques to release tension and improve alignment, including joint manipulation and soft tissue work. We may also prescribe a set of home exercises and postural adaptations.

Arm and shoulder pain specialists

Our Osteopaths are skilled in distinguishing the root causes of arm and shoulder pain. If you are struggling with pain, we can help.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)

Thoracic outlet syndrome is a disorder that occur when blood vessels or nerves in the space between your collarbone and your first 2 ribs (thoracic outlet) are compressed or stretched. This can cause pain in your shoulder and neck and  numbness or pins and needles in your fingers.

Over time, regularly using a computer or playing sports can cause this problem. Using our specialised assessment and screening we can often pick up problems which may have been completely overlooked in previous examinations.

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