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Our Osteopath healthcare practitioners work to establish an effective approach to tension and cervicogenic headaches.

Tension headaches can often arise from the neck as a result of tension or poor posture. The are other headache types that overlap and we have to establish what combination you may have.  Osteopaths use a variety of techniques to reduce tension and the resulting pain as well as to reduce the amount of medication taken. We will also help you explore the underlying reasons for your tension headaches and make appropriate referrals to your GP if osteopathy is not the right treatment for you.

We also offer diagnostic appointments via online video consultations, offering a quick and easy way to obtain a professional diagnosis

What causes tension headaches?

Tension headaches occur when neck and scalp muscles become tense or contract. The muscle contractions can be a response to stress, depression, head injury, or anxiety. They may occur at any age, but are most common in adults and older teens. Some patients have locked or stiff neck joints which can also produce headaches. Poor sleeping habits as well as hydration and diet can also contribute .

How we approach tension headaches

The osteopathic treatment we offer includes manual loosening of muscular tensions using gentle hands-on techniques. We may also prescribe a set of home exercises and postural adaptations.

We may also manipulate spinal joints in the neck or upper back to improve the mobility and further reduce reasons behind the headaches. Application of head maybe appropriate in certain cases

Tension headache specialists

Our osteopaths are skilled in determining the root causes of tension headaches. If you are struggling with pain, a  gentle hands on palpation of the head and neck will explore the problem areas in the spine and scalp.

We monitor changes and check your progress at each session as well as any changes to medication that you can then discuss with your GP if they are Prescribed rather than over the counter medication

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