Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)
NEW at Body Back Up 2018
What are PROMs?
A Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) has been defined as a report coming directly from patients about how they feel or function in relation to a health condition and its therapy without interpretation by healthcare professionals or anyone else
Why are PROMs important?
PROMs represent an important part of assessing whether osteopaths and other healthcare professionals are improving the symptoms reported by their patients.
- if treatment has improved a patient’s symptoms;
- if treatment has improved a patient’s health and well-being;
- if patients are satisfied with treatment;
- the type of experience of care patients have received at the practice.
We will ask you if you wish to participate and help research osteopathy. Its a simple process but some things need explaining !
PROM patient information :
If you have been asked by your osteopath to collect PROM data you will require a code to access the web or mobile app.
Frequently Asked Questions about data collection
Is my data secure?
The online system and web app have been developed by Clinvivo Ltd, a University of Warwick spin-out company specialising in data capture. The system has been extensively tested. All data are anonymised and encrypted. All data are held on a secure server with the company which has created the app.
Will my data be sold or used for commercial purposes?
Your information will not be made available to anyone else. We will not sell it or use it for any commercial purposes.
Background to the development of the PROM app.
During the early months of 2014, osteopaths were asked to invite their patients to participate in either focus groups or individual interviews as we wanted to learn more about patients’ views about using Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) when they visited an osteopath for treatment.
What are patient reported outcome measures?
Patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) are reports coming directly from patients about how they feel or function in relation to a health condition and its therapy without interpretation by healthcare professionals or anyone else (Patrick et al, 2008).
Why are osteopaths collecting data PROM data?
The National Council for Osteopathic Research (NCOR) is developing a system to collect PROM data directly from patients. This is being achieved using either a computer (web app) or using a mobile phone (mobile app). This is a new innovation in osteopathic care and this study has received ethical review from the ethics committee at Barts and The London Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Collecting PROM data directly from you and independent of your osteopath’s practice will help us to identify changes in your symptoms as a result of treatment. Many more organisations e.g. the National Health Service and health insurers are collecting this type of data also.
At the end of the study, all of the anonymous data collected will be analysed by the research team. This will help us identify any problems with using the app, look at how well the PROMs have performed, and identify changes in symptoms in patients receiving osteopathic care.