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West Hampstead, North London: 020 8969 0247 Maidenhead, Berkshire: 01628 624544 [email protected]

I have struggled for years with on and off back problems. I have regularly visited the doctors, who through anti inflammatory and painkillers have only ever provided temporary relief. I have also visited sports massage therapists that have caused an excruciating amount of short term pain with seemingly no long term relief or change.

The osteopaths at Body Back-Up, through physical manipulation and corrective posture techniques have managed to not only relieve all pain and discomfort, but also have provided a path for me to follow so that the recurrence of the issue should not happen again.

I cannot overstate how much better I feel. Not only is the pain and discomfort gone, but I feel I have so much more energy; I guess most of that energy in the past has gone into just getting through the day fighting inherent pain. It’s been a life changer, and I recommend Body Back-Up to anyone that suffers with any form of pain linked to back and posture.

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