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The day after Easter my back collapsed… literally. I went out to get a pint of milk, returned home, closed the car door and that was it .I couldn’t move.

A 20 second walk to the house took 20 minutes whereupon I had to immediately lie down and at best I was able to move my upper body to reach over for some anti-inflammatories. Totally bed ridden all very disappointing and upsetting as I was in training for the Moonwalk Breast Cancer fund raising walk in London which was due to be early May.

After some heavy inflammatories and some initial physio, I returned to see Robin the last time was in 2007 when he had put me back into shape. Needless to say this time my back was in a much worse state but after the first session, I was able to move more freely. After the second and third I was able to walk much better. The fourth session was the day before the 13 mile walk through London.

Thankfully, I was mobile enough to do the walk and although I had heat packs on my back and carried some anti-inflammatories with me as precautionary I am certain I would not have been able to complete it had it not been for the osteo sessions that I had had with Robin prior to the walk.

I now know that I have to maintain the back and plan to visit Robin more than once in 5 years! I would thoroughly recommend Robin as an osteopath – not only the treatment but the advice has proved beneficial and importantly allowed me to raise close to £700 sponsorship money for breast cancer.

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